Assist client with reintegration into productive society Help prepare your living space for sobriety Encourage actions that build self-confidence Provide support when resuming back to work/career Inspire fitness and wellness routines Assist with finding local service providers for continuing care Motivate client to look, feel, and be their best

A Sober Companion

Support client when returning home from rehab


Facilitate reintroduction to the family post-discharge


Help plan a healthy diet and educate on proper nutrition



how to handle potential triggers


Assist client

with reintegration


productive society


Help prepare

your living

space for



Help develop a network of positive people who will support their recovery



actions that




Provide support



back to work/career



fitness and wellness routines




with finding local service providers for continuing care



Motivate client

 to look, feel, and be their best



A sober companion resides at the client’s home or traveling with them 24/7 for a week, a month, or whatever time that’s necessary.

We assist clients in planning and creating a maintainable, consistent and healthy lifestyle.

We stand strong beside our clients in those fragile first days, weeks, or months and support them through the struggles of early recovery.

Sober companions are appropriate for individuals who are more comfortable with constant supervision.


Assist client with reintegration into productive society Help prepare your living space for sobriety Encourage actions that build self-confidence Provide support when resuming back to work/career Inspire fitness and wellness routines Assist with finding local service providers for continuing care Motivate client to look, feel, and be their best
Assist client with reintegration into productive society Help prepare your living space for sobriety Encourage actions that build self-confidence Provide support when resuming back to work/career Inspire fitness and wellness routines Assist with finding local service providers for continuing care Motivate client to look, feel, and be their best
Assist client with reintegration into productive society Help prepare your living space for sobriety Encourage actions that build self-confidence Provide support when resuming back to work/career Inspire fitness and wellness routines Assist with finding local service providers for continuing care Motivate client to look, feel, and be their best

Teach how to handle potential triggers

Assist client with reintegration into productive society

Help prepare your living space for sobriety

Encourage actions that build self-confidence

Provide support when resuming back to work/career

Inspire fitness and wellness routines

Assist with finding local service providers for continuing care

Motivate client to look, feel, and be their best

Support client when returning home from rehab

Assist client with reintegration into productive society

Facilitate reintroduction to the family post-discharge

Help prepare your living space for sobriety

Provide support when resuming back to work/career

Inspire fitness and wellness routines

Help plan a healthy diet and educate on proper nutrition

Help develop a network of positive people who will support their recover

Teach how to handle potential triggers

Assist with finding local service providers for continuing care

Encourage actions that build self-confidence

Motivate client to look, feel, and be their best