Prices for services and payment information
Please find our list of services below and their respective prices. All of these services can be best explained face to face or over the phone so get in touch if you're unsure.
Please note that we are used to creating packages for clients, based upon their specific requirements and therefore all of these services are designed as modular programmes, but will be discounted in price when taken up as part of a whole package. We will be able to help you design your own specific program with you based upon your requirements and budget.
First visit (Evaluation and Assessment)
During our first visit we will assess and evaluate the current situation either with the Recoveree or the the Family Member who has first contacted us.
This visit usually last approximately two hours and may be done via telephone, in person or via Skype or Zoom.
From this visit we will decide together if we -- the family and the Recovery Specialist -- shall need an Intervention or if Recovery Coaching is a viable option for the Individual of Concern.
Family Consultation
It is standard practice for our specialists to meet with you and your family to configure the best care plan for your and your family's specific situation. We are happy to visit you at your home or at another agreed upon location.
The visit usually last approximately three hours. Price is per full consultation visit at your preferred location payable in advance. If the meeting is more than 50km from Marbella the cost for time and travel will be added.
We offer 15 minutes free consultation. In this call we will discuss your case and decide if we can offer the right help to you or the person in need.
Free online/phone consultation
Recovery Coaching
(Sober Coaching, Sober Companion)
Recovery Coaching is a strength based method of coaching provided to support a person new to recovery or just coming out of a Treatment Program.
The coaching, depending on need, can be delivered face to face, online or live-in/live-out 24 hour depending on location.
During these sessions, we provide support with specific situations and levels of crisis you may be encountering, as well as providing a structured goal orientated program to assist you with creating permanent and lasting change.
We are always happy to create a custom pricing plan for block bookings for you or your loved one's bespoke recovery plan.
We are Certified and Trained and utilise a variety of Recovery Coaching/Counselling skills to assist, guide, mentor and cheer you or your loved one on to a clean, sober and healthy lifestyle.
Invitational Intervention
This is a more flexible approach to Interventions and depending on the circumstance can be modified based on the individual need and seriousness of the client using substances. It often requires several meetings.
The First Step to an Invitational Intervention can be done either via phone or in person and only after a full analysis and evaluation of the situation can prices be determined.
Prices range and are dependent on the complexity of the case.
Executive/VIP Sober Companion Service
Our Sober Companions are highly discrete and appropriate for events, business meetings, parties, VIP engagements and other various needed services.
We outsource Sober Companion jobs in case a language other than English or Swedish is required)
Travel and Service Outside the vicinity of the Recovery Specialist
All travel, accommodations and per diem (based on country standards) is the responsibility of the Hiring Party/Client or their agency.
Surprise intervention (The johnson Model)
This is the most straight forward approach to Interventions and use a motivational model.
It consist of:
International Sober Transportation
We provide national and International Sober Transport services around the World.
We aim to provide safe transport for the client to or from a facility without arrest, hospitalization or unnecessary intoxication.
Within Spain a price is configured based upon the specifics of the journey.
(Please note that all Sober Transportation that requires a flight will be charged at a daily rate of 1000€.)
Costs are confirmed once we know more about your specific scenario and logistics.
When you book our services, that time is set aside for you, and missed appointments prevent us from accommodating other clients. For individual local sessions, if you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, and you have not notified us within at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session as booked.
For Sober Companion services or Interventions, cancellations within 72 hours will be billed at 50% of booking fee. For Sober Companion services or Interventions cancelled within less than 72 hours client agrees to pay 100% of booking fee unless rescheduled within a reasonable period of time and at the discretion of the Recovery Specialist (Sober Companion, Sober Coach, Interventionist). In this case, 50% of the cancelled booking fee will go towards the rescheduled session/service.
If an emergency situation arises, please let us know so that we can treat your specific situation with personal attention. We recognize that there are circumstances that are out of your control (sudden illness, family emergencies, etc.) and we may make an exception to the above policies on those rare occasions.
Missed appointment fees are not to be direct billed. We can give you a receipt for the service you have late cancelled or missed that you are welcome to submit to your insurance provider.